In this blogpost, I will provide the steps on how I installed the Migration Toolkit on my MacBook with MacOS Sierra 10.12.1.
Step 1: If you Mac is not pre-installed with ANT you will need to download it. Go to the Apache website and download the latest tar.gz version as depicted below:
Step 2: Once downloaded, extract the files by double-clicking the downloaded archived file and saving the extracted folder into a path of your choosing. I added it on my user path ~/Users/<user_name>/apache-ant-1.9.7
Step 3: Add the ANT path to the environment variable so that it can be called from any location in terminal. To do this we need to edit .bash_profile and export the ANT path. First, execute the command below and save the path it will give:
echo $PATH
Then open .bash_profile using the nano terminal text editor by executing the following command:
nano .bash_profile
Create the ANT_HOME variable and append it to the path retrieved earlier using colon:
export ANT_HOME=<location_of_the_extracted_ant_files>
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$ANT_HOME/bin
The editor should look like below:
Verify that you can call ant by executing ant -v
Step 1: Download the toolkit from the salesforce developer website
Step 2: Once downloaded, extract files by double-clicking it
Step 3: Copy ant-salesforce.jar on your ANT lib folder