On my blog post last June, we discuss about using custom settings for skipping execution of triggers, validation rules and workflow rules. Today we can achieve the same logic using a feature Salesforce.com release last Summer 14.
But first, what is custom permission? Custom Permission allows us to extend a profile and custom permission access by allowing us to create our own "permission" attribute and can be optionally associated with a connected app. It's a simple yet powerful feature that can be use on a custom or generic application.
Below I created 3 custom permissions via Setup --> Develop --> Custom Permission.
Checking custom permission assignment in Apex Trigger requires querying the data from three setup objects called SetupEntityAccess, CustomPermission and PermissionSetAssignment. I have created a utility class that can be used to check if a user is assigned to any of the above custom permissions as below. The class cache the assignment in a permission set Id/DeveloperName and Boolean key/value pair where passing an Id or the custom permission developer name can return TRUE (if its assigned) or FALSE (if not assigned).
To use in a trigger, an IF-condition must be added on top of the trigger code as below.
For validation rule and workflow rules, a $Permission global variable is available for use.
So which one is better to use for our use-case? Custom Settings or Custom Permission? Below are the pros and cons.
Custom Settings
But first, what is custom permission? Custom Permission allows us to extend a profile and custom permission access by allowing us to create our own "permission" attribute and can be optionally associated with a connected app. It's a simple yet powerful feature that can be use on a custom or generic application.
Below I created 3 custom permissions via Setup --> Develop --> Custom Permission.
Checking custom permission assignment in Apex Trigger requires querying the data from three setup objects called SetupEntityAccess, CustomPermission and PermissionSetAssignment. I have created a utility class that can be used to check if a user is assigned to any of the above custom permissions as below. The class cache the assignment in a permission set Id/DeveloperName and Boolean key/value pair where passing an Id or the custom permission developer name can return TRUE (if its assigned) or FALSE (if not assigned).
public class CustomPermissionUtil { private static Map<String,Boolean> permissionMap; public static Boolean hasCustomPermAccess(String devName){ Boolean hasCustomPerm = false; if(permissionMap==null){ refreshCache(); } if(permissionMap.size()>0){ if(permissionMap.containsKey(devName)){ hasCustomPerm = permissionMap.get(devName); } } return hasCustomPerm; } public static Boolean hasCustomPermAccess(Id permId){ Boolean hasCustomPerm = false; if(permissionMap==null){ refreshCache(); } if(permissionMap.size()>0){ if(permissionMap.containsKey(permId)){ hasCustomPerm = permissionMap.get(permId); } } return hasCustomPerm; } private static void refreshCache(){ permissionMap = new Map<String,Boolean>(); Set<Id> permissionIds = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,CustomPermission> customPermMap = new Map<Id,CustomPermission>( [SELECT Id, DeveloperName FROM CustomPermission WHERE NamespacePrefix = null]); for(CustomPermission permObj : customPermMap.values()) { permissionMap.put(permObj.DeveloperName, false); permissionMap.put(permObj.Id, false); permissionIds.add(permObj.Id); } for(SetupEntityAccess setupEntObj : [SELECT SetupEntityId FROM SetupEntityAccess WHERE SetupEntityId in :permissionIds AND ParentID IN (SELECT PermissionSetId FROM PermissionSetAssignment WHERE AssigneeID = :UserInfo.getUserId())]){ permissionMap.put(setupEntObj.SetupEntityId, true); permissionMap.put(customPermMap.get(setupEntObj.SetupEntityId). DeveloperName,true); } } }
To use in a trigger, an IF-condition must be added on top of the trigger code as below.
trigger TestAccountTrigger on Account (before update) { if(!CustomPermissionUtil.hasCustomPermAccess('Skip_Trigger')){ // body of trigger } }
For validation rule and workflow rules, a $Permission global variable is available for use.
So which one is better to use for our use-case? Custom Settings or Custom Permission? Below are the pros and cons.
Custom Settings
- No SOQL required to retrieve the information (when using the custom settings method).
- Custom Label global variable for formula.
- Bounded by Custom Setting data limit.
- Access is managed on the custom setting section.
- Data needs to be created on test classes.
Custom Permission
- Custom Permission global variable for formula.
- Assignment is aligned with how permission is given via Profile or Permission Set.
- Requires SOQL query to retrieve assignment.
Personally, I would go and use custom permission rather than custom settings not just because its a new feature but because it aligns to how we manage permissions to user. I would like to think that future enhancements would be released for the feature as well. However, I would recommend my readers to vote to this idea so that custom permission can be access as a global variable in Apex Code the same way we access Custom Labels.
Happy coding!
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